Week 3 our first sprint

So for the third week we had our first sprint. We had to give a presentation and show off our paper prototype to the client with our finalized define challenge and gameconcept. We also had to make a moodboard https://www.canva.com/design/DAD9d3UyFJA/O9GvCS98Bdr8XrSqy6fbVg/view?utm_content=DAD9d3UyFJA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink that is linked here.

I was mostly focussed on the moodboard and helping with the presentation, the moodboard consists of our general ideas that we want to implement and shows off how we think it will help the game out overall.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y81audw7yeI&feature=youtu.be This is the paperprototype and consisted of our basic idea of how we are going to implement these features into the game.

Overall these weeks went well in our opinion but I look forward to the programming parts.

Get Kwist't

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