Week 4&5 The road to sprint 2

Our main problem during and after sprint 1 was communication. We weren't sure who did what and which parts should be connected with each other. We fixed this by having multiple meetings a week to gather everyones progress and see what still needs to be fixed for the next sprint.

The main goal for sprint 2 was getting a nice vertical slice of our project and how it should work. We performed well for this part and made an almost fully functional demo to show for with some parts faked. Mine part was making the end screen look representable with all the answers that were chosen put together for the eldery person to overview. 

I did this by making multiple database tables with all the answers/question stored into it and adding the answers to an answer object list in unity. Afterwards I combined the answers with the correct categories and made it look presentable by changing the answer layout to match the categories. 

Altough we did well there was ofcourse some more work to be done on. The teachers wanted us to realise the project more and were concerned if we could actually finish on time, but we are going to work very hard on that part!

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